المحيسني المصحف الكريم بدون نت


Music & Audio


Al-Muhaisni Holy Quran without NetMuhammad al-Muhaisni is a reader from Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Muhammad al-Muhaisni was born in 1965 in Saudi Arabia.Surat Al-Baqara with the voice of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Muhaisni, an indescribable recitation by Sheikh Muhammad Al-Muhaisni, Surah YusufWeeping recitation of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Muhaisni Surat Al-Kahf with the voice of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Muhaisni, a touching reading, humbled recitation from the end of Surat Al-Anbiya, with the voice of Sheikh Muhammad Al-MuhaisniSurat Al-Baqara with the voice of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Muhaisni, an indescribable recitation by Sheikh Muhammad Al-Muhaisni, Surah YusufWeeping recitation of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Muhaisni Surat Al-Kahf in the voice of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Muhaisni, an impressive reading, a humbled recitation from the last Surah Al-Anbiya, in the voice of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Muhaisni. The application contains many wonderful features.In the end, please rate this application in the end.